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Courtney Fadler

Founder at CF Etiquette

Missouri, USA

Business Trainer
Courtney Fadler

Courtney Fadler is the founder of CF Etiquette, a professional etiquette service specializing in social and business etiquette training for children, adults, and business professionals. Courtney is the only etiquette instructor in the Kansas City area who is trained by The Emily Post Institute. The goal of any etiquette session with CF Etiquette is never about learning "rules," but rather about instilling a legacy of valuable life skills and principles based upon consideration, respect, and honesty. Courtney teaches that if you don't know the manner to use, you can apply the three fundamental principles of etiquette: consideration, respect, and honesty. Applying those principles to any situation or decision can help guide people, make lasting impressions, and build and improve relationships.

"I wanted to teach children and business professionals how to have those magical life skills that help differentiate yourself, and build relationships, and I knew from my own corporate career that magic was etiquette. The moment I decided to teach it, I knew I wanted to be taught by the best in etiquette, and there is no more defining name in etiquette than Emily Post. The Emily Post Institute has been an incredible draw for my business, and I am so incredibly grateful to have the Institute behind me at every step. Many clients specifically choose my services because of the Emily Post Institute training. It has been invaluable."

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Courtney Fadler