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Image, Attire and Personal Brand Hero Label

Image, Attire and Personal Brand

Professional Image, Attire and Personal Brand

Professional image isn’t a bare minimum to be met; it’s an opportunity to demonstrate professionalism. Your  personal brand is about more than where you shop; it is how people talk about you, describe you, think about you. It is the two sentence story that other tell about you and can impact every area of life. The image and attire section includes: the importance of self-awareness around appearance, actions, and words; business dress basics/musts; body language (posture, eye contact, nervous habits); word choice (tone, speed, inflection, laughter); office décor; being prepared and setting the tone for success.

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Find out how The Emily Post Institute can work with you to build meaningful training experiences that encourage audiences to use etiquette as a tool for personal growth. Cultures of civility and respect begin with small actions.

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Please contact Daniel Post Senning for more information on program details, presenter availability and pricing by filling out our contact form.